Fight Gender Discrimination in Boston: Legal Support and Guidance
Discriminating against an employee because of her or his gender is illegal. While much of the time gender discrimination involves discrimination against females, including pregnancy, sexual harassment and unequal treatment and pay, males can also suffer discrimination.
Gender discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of an individual based on their gender. It can include actions such as unequal pay, denial of promotions, sexual harassment, and biased hiring practices.
What are some examples of gender discrimination in the workplace?
Examples of gender discrimination in the workplace include paying women less than men for the same work, denying women promotions or leadership opportunities, subjecting women to sexual harassment, and implementing policies that disproportionately affect one gender.
How can I prove gender discrimination in a legal case?
To prove gender discrimination in a legal case, you may need to gather evidence such as emails, witness testimonies, performance evaluations, and any other documentation that supports your claim. It is advisable to consult with an experienced employment attorney who can guide you through the process.
What should I do if I experience gender discrimination at work?
If you experience gender discrimination at work, it is important to document the incidents, report them to your employer's human resources department, and consult with an employment attorney to understand your rights and explore legal options.
What legal protections exist against gender discrimination in Boston?
In Boston, individuals are protected against gender discrimination by both federal laws and state laws, including the Massachusetts Anti-Discrimination Law. These laws make it illegal to discriminate based on gender in employment, education, housing, and other areas. If you believe you have been a victim of gender discrimination, it is important to seek legal guidance to understand your rights and the steps you can take to address the issue.
Can men be victims of gender discrimination in the workplace?
Yes, men can be victims of gender discrimination in the workplace. Although it is often women who are affected, gender discrimination can occur against any individual regardless of their gender. Men may experience discrimination in the form of biased hiring practices, unequal pay, lack of promotion opportunities, or a hostile work environment. It's important for anyone who believes they have been discriminated against to document the incidents and seek legal counsel.
Results Matter
Ms. MacLellan was named one of the top 12 Lawyers of the Year in Massachusetts in 2018 after single-handedly winning a $28 million verdict in an employment discrimination case; a landmark verdict which far exceeded prior jury awards in the field of employment law in Massachusetts.